Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Kong Wubba

I ordered a Kong Wubba Snugga for Hiro after seeing it on Barking Deals . I haven't bought a new toy for Hiro in awhile so I thought "why not?" =) Let me tell you, Hiro loved his new toy. I didn't have a choice on the color so Hiro ended up with a Pink Wubba. O_o. I was hoping they would mail a blue one. After about 10 minutes, Hiro started chewing on one of the legs and now there's a tear in it. "Hiro! It's not a chew toy" Here is a video of him playing with his Wubba Snugga.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry. The toughest guys know how to rock the pink. ;)
